
Dirty laundry
Dirty laundry

dirty laundry

Punishment is being struck down for committing evil. But then he sets the lighter down and walks away, letting the prostitute the gang leader beat and raped at the start of the film kill the gang leader. Pre-Mortem One-Liner: "Do you know the difference between Justice and Punishment?" Said by the main character after dousing the gang leader in Jack Daniels and lighting a lighter, clearly intent on setting the gang leader on fire.Out-of-Character Moment: A man so dedicated to punishing evil he's called The Punisher allowing a woman to be raped? Yeah.Oh, Crap!: The gang leader is angry and defiant when the main character beats him up, douses him in alcohol and threatens him with a lighter, but quickly becomes a cringing, craven wreck pathetically begging for his life when the prostitute he'd raped and beaten earlier picks the lighter up instead.The last thing he wants to do is get involved with some street punks' war party." His day hasn't even started yet when sure enough, trouble finds him. Morning comes and he decides he might as well wash the blood out of his uniform, and put something in his stomach. He's stolen a van and parked it on a forgotten street in the ghetto, where he climbs into the back and gets a few hours of much deserved sleep. He's got to rebuild his life all over again. He's managed to escape relatively unscathed, but all he's got left is a. Something that Frank is pretty used to by now. Thomas Jane: "Frank is trying to take a breather after one particularly hard mission - which has forced him to blow his hideaway and lose everything - again.

dirty laundry

Noodle Incident: Why he's residing inside a beaten down Ford van is unsure, but Thomas Jane explained that:.No Name Given: The main character is never named or identified, despite clearly being the Punisher.He went out there to do something, and now he is telling the main character this story from a wheelchair. No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: The store clerk points out that, once, he was the guy staring out the shop door at a crime.Man on Fire: The gang leader is beaten up by Frank and then drenched with the bottle of Jack Daniels Frank then leaves an already-lit lighter by his broken legs.Man Bites Man: The little kid grabs and bites the gang leader's leg at a critical moment.Made of Iron: The main character gets tagged once and doesn't even slow down.However, following his witnessing a boy being threatened by a gang and having a little philosophical chat with the clerk, he goes out and does what he does best. Frank seems to be off his game, even refraining from stopping a woman getting raped. Grievous Bottley Harm: A bottle of Jack Daniels bought from the corner convenience store is used to take down a street gang by the main character.The other deaths though, are pretty gruesome. Gory Discretion Shot: The shot cuts away right before the gang leader is set on fire, so all that is visible is a plume of fire and not his actual death.


  • Fan Film: Despite being financed by and starring the star of the official movie production, the film is not an official adaptation.
  • Establishing Character Moment: The first thing the gang leader does is beat up and rape a prostitute, before he starts the beating which draws the main character's attention.
  • The person to actually light the gang leader on fire is the prostitute he had beaten and raped at the start of the film.
  • The gang leader is prevented from taking a clear shot at the main character at a crucial moment when the kid, whom he and his goons had previously been bullying and beating up, bites him in the leg. He does not drink it, but rather uses it to kill all of the gang member sans the leader.
  • Despair Event Horizon: The main character points out that he is six months sober when he turns down a sale on bourbon (And vodka), but after he listens to the clerk's story, he buys a bottle of Jack Daniels.
  • The Drifter: In classic Western fashion, the main character embodies this.
  • dirty laundry

    The Cynic: The store clerk points out that nothing matters or changes even if the criminals outside the store were to be struck down right then, there would be five new criminals the next day.Curb-Stomp Battle: From the time he walks out of the store and across the street, it takes the main character less than thirty seconds to defeat the entire gang, either killing or crippling all of them with nothing more than a bottle of Jack Daniels.

    Dirty laundry